Whispersfrommyheart's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Peace

Mary wrapped her little child
In cloth she swaddled Him;
She breathed the sweetness of His breath
And kissed His cheek again.

Oh Baby Jesus on the hay
How sweet the lullaby;
That Mary sang to Him the night
When God came down to die.

Angels sang, announced His birth
Sent to the Shepherd men;
Come see the Christ Child that has come
To take away your sin.

The fullness of the Deity
Became the Holy Child;
Fulfilling God’s own prophecy
To those that sin defiled.

For God so loved, He sent His Son
To earth that Christmas Day;
His purpose was to take our place
And for our sin to pay.

Rejoice O man, for God has come
Lift up your weary soul;
The Babe that sleeps so peacefully
Redemption’s plan unfolds.

And as the words were prophesied
Of pain and suffering;
The cross foreshadowed Bethlehem
Upon the new born King.

Oh Baby Jesus on the hay
How sweet the lullaby;
That Mary sang to Him the night
When God came down to die.
© 2009

Amazingly, when Mary held her Child, she held God in human form. Limitless Power in flesh and bone. Creator became the creation. It is incomprehensible to imagine, the God of the universe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in human arms, being kissed by the woman he would call mother.

This is the story being told to you. The God of the universe loved you enough to leave the expanse of heaven, be born of human, sinful flesh, to become the very avenue that would bring you back into right relationship with with God.

Greater Love has no man than to lay down his life for a friend.” John 15:13

Religion is man-made rules and regulations which tells mankind what work he should do in order to be accepted by God. Jesus said, “Come to Me and I will give you rest.” There is no work to be done. Simply accept what he did and you’re there.

As you celebrate this Christmas season, remember a time when God inserted himself into the affairs of man.

The wisdom of God devised a way for the love of God to deliver sinners from the wrath of God while not compromising the righteousness of God.~John Piper

This is why we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Because God so loved… He came to die to make the Way.

Merry Christmas!

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